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15/4-2005 Kim Byø's Matchlabel collection


DSB, Danish Railways
DSB Shop (KIOSK) + DSB Restaurants

Kiosk: a shop providing all kinds of daily products

K  DSB Kiosk
- you can know us by the stribes size: 118mm x 58mm

You will have a smile in addition
K  DSB Kiosk
- in small and large stations
size: 55mm x 65mm

K  DSB Kiosk
Big variety and and a smile
- early and late
Besides the picture of "Tordenskjold"
is "Safety matches".
"Tordenskjold" and "3913" on the "slip" implies that it is product of "STAR MARK" former "H.E.GOSCH" size: 57mm x 118mm

K  DSB Kiosk
Big variety and and a smile
- early and late
size: 52mm x 116mm

K  DSB Kiosk
Early and late
- late open for you size: 55mm x 65mm

DSB SHOP (Kiosk) and DSB Reataurants
Logo "K" = Kiosk and logo "knife and fork" = restaurants


Minor variations in coler and "striking surface". No factory identification provided. Size: 55mm x 65mm

DSB Reataurants, logo "knife and fork"


DSB Restaurants
-"Arbejdernes Landsbank" would be like "Workers national Bank". Inside the fikder are asresses and phonumbers of all the branches.
Factory identification : "TA" "CRONMATCH SYSTEM CROWN DENMARK":
size: 39mm x 112mm

DSB Restaurants
-"HAVE AN ICE" - "Golden Cup
" from "Premier".
Factory identification :
size: 55mm x 108mm

 DSB Restaurants : "Knife and fork" logo placed on a map of Denmark..
- Variations in number of "knife and fork", Color and "striking surface".
 Factory identification : all from "JNB".
 size: 55mm x 65mm

 DSB Restaurants : "Knife and fork"
 logo on "Restaurants stribes".
 Factory identification :
 scillet on top "JNB"
 size:55mm x 65mm

 DSB Restaurants : "Knife and fork"

 is music giving
 a better environment
 DSB restaurants 
 has MUZAK
 Functional music 
 from Metronome
 (01) 19 01 12

 No factory identification.
 size:112mm x 53mm